Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara 2024-02-01T12:46:18+07:00 Munawir Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara</strong>, <em>ISSN: </em><a title="P-ISSN JPMN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2775-734X</a> (Online), <em>ISSN</em>: <a title="E-ISSN JPMN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-7396</a> (Print). Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara (JPMN) Its a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high quality research focused on research, implementation. All published article URLs will have a digital object identifier (DOI).</p> <p><strong>Publication schedule</strong>: Februari-Juli &amp; Agustus-Januari | <a title="Publication frequency and important dates" href="">more info</a><br /><strong>Language</strong>: English (<strong>preferable</strong>), Indonesia<br /><strong>APC</strong>: 500K IDR or $40 USD (submission, publishing) | <a title="Article Processing Charge" href="">more info</a><br /><strong>Indexing</strong>: SINTA, PKPIndex, EBSCO, Google Scholar, etc | <a title="Jurnal JTIK indexing" href="">more info</a><br /><strong>OAI address</strong>:</p> <p>To submit your article to Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara;</p> <ul> <li class="show">You have to <a class="label label-info" href="">Register</a> or <a class="label label-success" href="">Login</a> to submit your or.</li> <li class="show">You can access the manuscript format from the author guidelines.</li> <li class="show">Download <a class="label label-warning" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template (Indonesia)</a>, <a class="label label-primary" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template (English)</a></li> </ul> <p>Currently, <strong>Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara</strong> <strong>has been accredited </strong>to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia</p> <div id="additionalHomeContent"> <p>Interested in becoming our reviewer/editor? Please fill [<a title="Jurnal JTIK Reviewer / Editor Aplication Form" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Reviewer Form</strong></a>].</p> <p><strong>Contact</strong>: <a href=""></a> / <a href=""></a></p> </div> Mengoptimalkan Kinerja SDM Dalam Peningkatan Inovasi Bisnis 2023-09-20T10:04:56+07:00 Egabetha Amirah Yudhaputri Dwi Hartini Rahayu Debbie Aryani Tribudhi Buffon Ciro Delvecchio Sabrina Azzahra <p><em>The era of digitalization requires development in digital skills. These skills are not only needed for students but also for business people who want to develop businesses, especially creative businesses. It requires solid teamwork, creative ideas and the right HR strategy, especially HR planning that can adapt to the digital world. Community Service - PKM currently being held by FEB Usakti, aims to form a team within the organization that is open to creative and innovative ideas in business, as well as improving human resources within the organization. The method for implementing this PKM is carried out by means of counseling to improve HR performance with a knowledge delivery approach by means of socialization, introduction to the scope of independent business activities that can be carried out, then educational training to improve HR by exploring each potential and managing each ability for appropriate activities (job analysis), as well as training to form creative and digital business and marketing teams. The results are expected for participants to be able to optimize their efforts.</em></p> 2023-11-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa SMA Don Bosco 3 Cikarang Mengenai Internet Sehat, Gamifikasi Dan Pergaulan Lawan Jenis di Era Digital 2023-11-18T09:27:26+07:00 Rosalina Rosalina Genta Sahuri Rila Mandala Hasanul Fahmi <p><em>In today's digital age, high school students have to survive a dynamic and interconnected online environment. Promoting responsible digital citizenship and cultivating pleasant contacts, particularly those with the opposite sex, is critical as kids develop both intellectually and socially. The goal of this activity is to: (1) educate high school students about the responsible and ethical use of the internet, emphasizing the importance of online safety, privacy, and respect for others; (2) encourage students to develop healthy internet usage habits by providing them with the knowledge and tools to navigate the digital world responsibly; and (3) use gamification principles to engage and motivate high school students to adopt responsible online behavior. The activity was held at SMA Don Bosco 3 Cikarang and was attended by students as well as teachers.</em></p> 2023-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Peningkatan Kompetensi TPACK Guru Melalui Pelatihan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Augmented Reality 2023-11-28T11:12:07+07:00 Basith Rahmatullah Irma Kadarwati <p><em>The aim of this research is to assess the effectiveness of an Augmented Reality-based instructional media development training model in enhancing teachers' competencies to develop and utilize Augmented Reality-based instructional media. The 4D research and development model consist of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The current situation presents an opportunity for teachers to optimize the presence of smartphone technology and mobile devices by integrating traditional methods with technological approaches in education. The integration of smartphones or mobile devices with traditional teaching aids such as print media (books, posters, etc.) brings about innovations in instructional media, known as Augmented Reality. To implement and enhance Augmented Reality-based instructional media, teachers need knowledge in planning and developing such media to create engaging digital-based learning experiences. Data analysis in this developmental research is conducted pre-training, during training, and post-training. Assessing the improvement in participants' learning outcomes requires initial and final test data. The initial test scores yielded an average of 58.7, while the final test scores showed an average of 81.8, indicating a 39% increase in test scores. Encouraging active involvement of teachers in professional development programs or competency enhancement training is crucial in advancing the use of technology in education.</em></p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pendampingan Manajemen Usaha Pada Unit Usaha Mahasiwa Program Studi Bisnis Digital Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Muhammadiyah Bali 2024-02-01T12:46:18+07:00 Munawir Munawir Upik Sri Sulistyawati Yulianto Umar Rofi'i Shanti Allena Dewi Maman Faturohman <p><em>This community service aims to provide business management assistance to the business units of students of the Digital Business Study Program at the Muhammadiyah Bali Institute of Technology and Business which will be held from 13 to 15 December 2023. Mentoring participants are students of the Digital Business Study Program of the Muhammadiyah Bali Institute of Technology and Business and representatives from other study programs accompanied by lecturers from the Digital Business Study Program and Entrepreneurship Study Program. The method used in this service activity is training and mentoring to student business units. The results of the service found that the mentoring training participants were very concerned about efforts to improve their business and develop it. The role of the team in assisting requires effort and time to develop them to be competitive in their products. Mentoring training formulates future follow-up plans through regular meeting plans to discuss progress, challenges, and improvements that need to be made and schedule individual consultation sessions to discuss specific problems or needs faced by student unit managers.</em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024