Volume 8, Number 2 of the Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (JTIK) contains a variety of recent research. One of them is the development of an Internet of Things (IoT) based CH4 and CO2 gas monitoring system for the Bantar Gebang Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST). Other research includes designing a river water quality monitoring system using a smartphone application, as well as analyzing the influence of celebrity endorsers in increasing brand awareness. Apart from that, this journal also discusses marketing strategies using TikTok live streaming for skincare brands, the use of information and communication technology for the elderly, UI/UX evaluation of a website, and various other research, including in the field of website security, film sentiment analysis using BERT, classification AI-based images, and Telegram chatbot-based academic service applications. This journal is an important guide for researchers and practitioners in the field of information and communication technology.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35870/jtik.v8i2

Published: 2024-04-01

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